Consultation appointments for prospective students

Consultation appointments for prospective students with refugee background at the Luther academy RWL (EvH)

Next dates:

  • Friday, 09.06.2017,  2:00 pm. to 4:00 pm; room 201 (International Office)
  • Thursday 22.06.2017, 2:00 pm. to 4:00 pm; room 201 (International Office)
  • Thursday, 06.07.2017,2:00 pm. to 4:00 pm; room 201 (International Office)
  • Friday, 21.07.2017, von 10:00 am. to 12:00 pm; room 478

Location: Immanuel-Kant-Straße 18-20, 44803 Bochum

Interested parties are cordially invited to register via e-mail among:


All appointments and further informations are given on: .


Reference person: Monika Hörr,

DIN A 5 Beratung für Geflüchtete EvH RWL


Stadt Bochum
Komm An