Blind Culture Date

The „Malteser Hilfsdienst“ invites cordially to the first Blind Culture Date in Bochum

When? 25.03.2018 at 11:00 a.m. 

Where?  Malteser office – Humboldtstraße 44, 44787 Bochum


A blind culture date is a meeting between persons with different origins, who would like to explore the city of Bochum and its special places. The goal is to create a meeting structure for locals and newly immigrated people including leisure activities.

Target group: Persons working in refugee aid, asylum applicants, persons with immigration background and locals showing interest in different cultures.

On the first blind culture date the group visits the planetarium, the German mining museum and the railway museum.

Teams will be formed to enjoy all offered activities together. Any team gets hints & tricks to practice intercultural communication.

For further questions, please contact: Nina Ermlich (Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.)

Coordination of Integration service

Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.

Diözese Essen / Bezirk Ruhrgebiet

Stadt Bochum
Komm An