Bochum’s Stories – A tour around Bochum

A tour to get to know Bochum for refugee women and volunteers

Frauenarchiv ausZeiten e.V. und MIRA e.V. offer a bustour to important points for Bochum’s women in history. You’ll also get an insight in to other things Bochum offers. Linda Unger who organises „Frauenstadtrundgänge“ will tell you women’s stories. There will be translation into Arab, Kurdish and English.

We want to invite refugee women and female volunteers to discover Bochum together.
Date: 8th March 2017 at 9:30 at Bochum Rathaus (near the bell)
Time: approximately 3,5 hours
The tour will be for free, but it is important to register at Mira: 3259176 or
Stadt Bochum
Komm An